Page 202 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 202

                     188                        Records of Bahrain

                                   REPORT OH THE PUBLIC MEETING,
                               CALLED BY THE HIGH EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE,
  ;!                           OH THE OCCASION OF BOTH THE FORTIETH
                               DAY AFTER THE DEATH OF EL HUSSAIN AND
                               THE FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF THE HIGH
                               EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE,
                                      HELD ON 7T1I OCTOBER, 19513.

  I                         The Bothering waa larger than the previous onen.

                      There were about uix thouoand peroona.      They were anxious                i
                      to know what the High Executive Committee hud to comment on

                      the Government proclamation about eotabliahlng the Councilo.
                            The opcakora were Ebrahim el Khnyat, Abdul Ruhman el
                      Baker, Abdul Ralmian cl Mn'awdah, Taq.1 el Bahranah, and Abdul
                      Aziz ol Shumlan.    The upoech of TAQI El, BAHRANAH waa about
 :                    the lubourerc, el Khuyat ubout el Husnuin'u life and virtues
                      and el Mu'uwdu delivered a poem thunking the membera ol' the                 r

                      Committee and the peraono who took part In the movement.
                             The important upeochoo were the oneo delivered by el
                      Baker and e.L Shamlan.    The following la the extract of el
                      Baker'a speech:-

                             "The people have suffered much during the paat year
                      but they paaoed it oucceaarully.      They proved emphatically
                       their unity in upite of the conapiracy plotted by the truitoro.
                      The tenth ol* i.iuhurrum v/aa a strong proof of this unity.
                       Certuin youtha from both acota volunteered to lead the

                       proceaaiona and maintain order which they did oucceaafully.
                             There are many works achieved by the Commi Itee during
                       the luct year.    The first thing wua maintaining a good-will
                       and underctunding between the two sects which waa alone enough
                       to attach a value to the Committee.     The second deed was the

                       establishment of a trade union and obtaining the Government
                       approval to luy down the Labour Law and allow the Labour
                                                                      Rcpreocn tative o/
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