Page 199 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 199

Constitutional reforms, 1955              185

                               CONFIDENTIAL                        is

                       FROM BAHRAIN TO FOREIGN OFFICE
            Cyphor/OTP                            DEPARTMENTAL DISTRIBUTION

            Mr, Gault
            No. 711                D, 3,25 p.w. October 3, 1959
            October 3, 1955        R,11.59 n.n. Ootober 3, 1955
                 Addressed to Foreign Office telegram No, 711 of Ootobor 3
            Repeated for .information to B.M,E,0,
                          and having t° Kuwait & f\ 10 lU-3 3
                                       Doha [grp. omitted] /
                 lly telegram No. 699i Paragraph 3.

                 The Ruler 1b seeking to bring over to hlo side two of the
            ILigli Executive Committee wham lie believes to be dissatisfied with
            the polioy now being followed by tlio committee, and is seeking to
            induce them to come out against the committee. Neither the
            Advisor nor I think the Ruler 1b likely to succeed in this. The
            outcome is at present uncertain. The rest of the ruling family
            fear the Ruler may give too much away.

                 2.   The trial in Bahrain Court of a case of assault by
            an Arab on a British worker of the Arabian Construction and
            Maintenance Engineering Company, contractors working for the
            Bahrain Petroleum Company, due to take place on October 8 may
            give rise to some commotion. British worker originally struck
            the Arab and was fined in Agency court. Arab attacked the
            British worker sonic days later.
                 Foreign Office pass B.M.E.Q, as my telegram ilo, 65.
                 [Repeated to B.M.K.O.],

            DISTRIBUTED TO:
            Eastern Department

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