P. 525
We said oiih^ fsiicli portions of the Court's despatch, as suited
the convenience of tlie Government, were published for the
inforuicition of tlie Service. Thus, by a General Order, dated
'' April 30, 1828," the Governor in Council published the fol-
lowing extracts from the Court's letter of the previous 31st of
October, with a copy of the King's Order, conferring on the
officers of the Bombay IMarine " the privilege of taking rank
with the officers of the Royal Navy :'—
"Para. 2. You are aware that for some time past we have
been endeavouring to attain for your Marine an authorised code
of laws, and a detined rank relatively witli the Uoyal Navy.
''Para. 3. We have the satisfaction now to acquaint you, that
His i\Iajesty has been graciously pleased to pass an Order in
Council, conferring on the officers of the Bombay Marine, within
the limits of the (Company's charter, the privilege of taking
rank, agreeably to their several degrees, with the officers of the
Royal Navy, but under the condition that all officers of any
rank in the Royal Navy shall have precedence of all officers of
the same rank in the Bombay Marine, and that officers of
neither Service shall have any command whatsoever over the
ships, oiHcers, and men of the other Service, unless under
special orders to that effect from their respective Governments,
" Para. 4. We transujit a copy of His Majesty's Oi-der, and
we desire that you will promulgate it for general information.
It is scarcely necessary to add, that the rank now fixed by His
Majc^.ty for the Bombay Marine relatively with the Royal
Navy, carries with it the privilege of relative rank with His
Majesty's and the Company's troops in India."
The following is the Order of His Majesty George IV.,
referred to above :
" At the Court of St. James, the 3()tli of June. 1S27. Pre-
sent, the King's Most Excellent Majesty in Counril.
" Whereas, there was this day read at the l^oanl a Memorial
from His Royal Highness the Lord High Admiral, dated the
12th of June instant, in the words following, viz.:
" Whereas, in consequence of a communication with the
Chairman and Deputy-Chairman of the Kast India Company,
I am of opinion it may be exi)etlient to confer on the officers of
the Bombay Marine, within the limits of the Kast India Com-
pany's Charter, the privilege of taking rank agreeably to their
several degrees with the officers of tlie Royal Navy, but under
the condition, that all ofiicers of any rank in the Royal Navy,
shall have precedence of all the officers of the Bombay Marine
of the same rank, and that the officers of neither Service shall
haV'C any command whatsoever over the ships, officers, and men
of the other Service, unless under special orders to that elTect
from the respective Governments. 1 beg leave, therefore, most
humbly to submit lo Your .Majesty, whether Your Majesty