Page 114 - Manual_Movie Edit Pro 2021_EN_Neat
P. 114
Result: The objects are ungrouped and both can be edited independently of each
The objects can be regrouped together using the "Group" function.
J-L cuts
Audio and image material can also be separated temporarily. A popular editing
technique, for example, is to introduce a small portion of the audio of the next scene
before showing the picture (or vice versa). The resulting shape of the object
arrangement is reminiscent of a J or L, hence the name.
J-L cuts lets you perform edits like these without having to ungroup the video from its
original audio track:
1. Hold down the Alt key and click on the outer edge of the audio or video object.
The program will switch to"J-L" editing mode.
2. Move the edge so that the audio and video objects do not begin or end at the
same position.
Result: The grouping remains the same, but the lengths of the audio and video
tracks can now be modified independently.
If you drag out one of the objects to the length of the other, the edges will snap
together and "J-L" editing mode will end.
Save objects separately
Individual objects or object groups from the arranger can be saved separately in the
project folder as a separate files. For example, cut out trailers, jingles, and so on that
you need converted, and then save them for other projects for reuse as a take.
A take file (*.tk2) contains a reference to a multimedia file or to a special object
(videos, sound, visuals, etc.) including all additional properties that an object may
possess (start and end time, fades, and effects including effects curves (view page
Save take
1. If you want to save several objects in one take, proceed as follows:
Select the objects in the arranger and group them.
Shortcut: G