Page 115 - Manual_Movie Edit Pro 2021_EN_Neat
P. 115

Objects   115
                        2.  Select the option "Save object as take" in the "Edit" menu or in the context menu
                           of the object or group.
                           Shortcut:   Shift + K
                        3.  Rename the take (see below).

                        Save take using drag & drop
                        1.  In the Media Pool open the folder where the take will be saved (e. g. "My Media
                           > Takes").
                        2.  If you want to save several objects in one take, select the corresponding objects
                           in the arranger and group them.
                           Shortcut:          G
                        3.  Click on the selection and drag it to the Media Pool while holding down the
                           mouse button.
                           MAGIX Movie Edit Pro creates a take file (*.TK2) which is named after the
                           object in the arranger. The objects are removed from the arranger.
                        4.  Rename the take.

                        Rename take
                        1.  Select the take from the Media Pool.
                        2.  Now open the context menu.
                        3.  Select the option "Rename".
                           Keyboard shortcut:          Alt + R
                        4.  Enter the new name. When you do this, make sure that the file ending ".TK2"
                           remains intact, otherwise MAGIX Movie Edit Pro won't recognize the file as a
                        5.  Press Enter to confirm the entry.
                        Load take

                        As with all objects, takes are loaded into the project.
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