Page 11 - Company Supplied Vehicles, Drivers' Manual v3
P. 11

1.8     Working time

               Under domestic driver hours rules you must have:

                   •   A maximum average of 48 hours working time per week, however you may sign to opt
                       out of this limit.
                   •   Adequate rest. This means you should have regular rest periods that are sufficiently long
                       and continuous to ensure you do not injure yourself, colleagues or others and that you
                       do not damage your health in the short or long term.

               1.9     Roadside enforcement inspections

               The Police, VOSA, Customs & Excise and Trading Standards are empowered to inspect your
               vehicle at the roadside. Checks may be for mechanical defects, overloading or incorrect fuel

               Where a document is issued to you at a roadside inspection, you must immediately report the
               matter to the fleet manager to obtain advice on necessary repairs or actions to be  aken.
               1.10    Vehicle documents

               When first allocated a vehicle, you should have:

                   •   An electronic copy of this handbook.
                   •   A vehicle manufacturer’s handbook.

               Please ensure you have either paper or electronic copies of these documents so that guidance
               is to hand whenever you need it.

               1.11    Document production

               If asked by the police to produce your driving licence or insurance certificate you must
               comply with their request. If you do not have the requested document in your possession
               you have 7 days to take them to a police station, if you fail to provide the requested
               document(s) within 7 days of being stopped you are breaking the law.

                Commercial Drive4Life Handbook – January 2022 (Glen Dimplex Fleet Assistance – 01604 747269)   Page 11 of 37
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