Page 388 - taiwan
P. 388

students to come to the Office of PT. KBS, then Didik directly came to PT.
                             KBS for the process of making a passport, because the old passport of Didik
                             has expired, Didik was taken by a staff member to go to the Semarang
                             Immigration  Office  to  make  a  new  passport,  according  to  Didik's
                             statement  at  the  time  of  making  his  passport  there  was  no  tangle  or
                             complicated  by  the  Semarang  immigration  authorities,  for  the  cost  of
                             making a passport of 150 USD which was bailed out by PT. KBS, then the
                             money will be returned after the students work on the ship by way of a
                             salary cut.                                               Commented [6]: 08 Withholding of wages & 09 Debt

                          13. Sekitar bulan Juli 2021, Didik datang ke kantor PT. KBS untuk melakukan
                             Medical Check Up ulang di klinik daerah Kota Tegal.

                             English version :
                             Around July 2021, Didik came to the Office of PT. KBS to do a medical
                             Check-up at the clinic area Tegal.

                          14. Pada tanggal 25 Juli 2021, Didik dihubungi oleh Pihak PT. KBS menyuruh
                             untuk datang ke PT. KSB, kemudian Didik langsung datang ke kantor PT. KBS
                             bertemu  dengan  staf  PT.  KBS,  kemudian  Didik  masuk  ke  ruangan  untuk
                             menandatangani  Perjanjian  Kerja  Laut  (PKL),  menurut  keterangan  Didik
                             pada  saat  menandatangani  PKL  disaksikan  oleh  2  orang  staf  PT.  KBS,
                             kemudian Didik diberikan waktu 1 jam untuk membaca dan memahami  isi
                             PKL, setelah menandatangani PKL Didik langsung berangkat dari pemalang
                             menuju  ke  tangerang  menggunakan  Travel,  kemudian  Didik  dibawa  ke
                             penampungan yang sama saat Didik diberangkatkan oleh PT. LAS, kemudian
                             Didik tinggal di penampungan selama 2 hari.

                             English version :
                             On July 25, 2021, Didik was contacted by PT. KBS told me to come to PT.
                             KSB, then Didik came directly to the Office of PT. KBS met with the staff of
                             PT. KBS, then students went into the room to sign a sea work Agreement
                             (PKL), according to the information students at the time of signing the PKL
                             witnessed by 2 staff of PT. KBS, then students are given 1 hour to read and
                             understand  the contents  of  the  street  vendors,  after  signing  the  street
                             vendors  students  directly  depart  from  pemalang  to  tangerang  using
                             Travel, then students are taken to the same shelter when students depart
                             by PT. LAS, then Didik stayed in the shelter for 2 days.

                          15. Pada  tanggal  29  Juli  2021,  Didik  dibawa  oleh  Sabar  pergi  ke  bandara
                             Soekarno-Hatta, kemudian Didik diturunkan di terminal 3, di bandara Didik
                             didampingi  oleh  Sabar  untuk  mengurus  keperluan  di  bandara,  setelah
                             selesai  pengecekan  di  imigrasi  Didik  langsung  masuk  ke  ruang  tunggu,
                             beberapa  jam  kemudian  Didik  diterbangkan  dari  Bandar  Udara
                             Internasional Soekarno-Hatta Transit ke  Bandar Udara Internasional Dubai,
                             dari bandara Dubai Didik diterbangkan ke Negara tujuan Mauritius.
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