Page 389 - taiwan
P. 389

English version :
                             On July 29, 2021, Didik was taken by Sabar to Soekarno-Hatta airport, then
                             Didik was dropped off at terminal 3, at Didik airport accompanied by Sabar
                             to  take  care  of  the  needs  at  the  airport,  after  finishing  checking  in  at
                             Immigration Didik went directly to the waiting room, a few hours later
                             Didik  was  flown  from  Soekarno-Hatta  International  Airport  Transit  to
                             Dubai  International  Airport,  from  Dubai  airport  Didik  was  flown  to
                             Mauritius destination country.

        2. Masa Penempatan
                          1.  Tibanya di Bandar Udara Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam, setelah keluar dari
                             bandara Didik telah ditunggu oleh pihak Agency, kemudian Agency tersebut
                             membawa Didik ke Hotel setempat untuk istirahat selama 3 hari, setelah 3
                             hari  Didik  dijemput  kembali  oleh  Pihak  Agency  pergi  ke  pelabuhan  Port
                             Louis, tiba di pelabuhan Didik diperintahkan untuk naik ke tug boat untuk
                             menuju kapal Ruey Chin Tsai 112, setibanya di kapal Ruey Chin Tsai 112 Didik
                             disambut  oleh  oleh  Teknisi  mesin,  kemudian  Didik  dipersilakan  untuk
                             meletakan barang-barang di kamar dan istirahat.

                             English version :
                             Arrival at Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Airport, after exiting the airport
                             Didik was awaited by the Agency, then the Agency took Didik to a local
                             Hotel for a break for 3 days, after 3 days Didik was picked up again by the
                             Agency went to Port Louis Port, arrived at the port Didik was ordered to
                             board a tug boat to go to the ship Ruey Chin Tsai 112, upon arrival at the   Commented [7]: More info?
                                                                                       please check if this is a Taiwanese-flagged fishing
                             ship Ruey Chin Tsai 112 Didik was greeted by a machine technician, then   vessel
                             Didik was welcome to put things in his room and rest.
                                                                                       Commented [8R7]: Yes it is
                          2.  Sekitar satu minggu di kapal, menurut keterangan Didik kapal Ruey Chin Tsai
                             112 kebakaran akibat konslet dari kamar mesin kapal yang mengakibatkan
                             habis terbakar, kemudian Didik terpaksa harus di tinggal di Hotel lagi.

                             English version :
                             A week on the ship, according to Didik, ship Ruey Chin Tsai 112 caught fire
                             due to a short circuit from the engine room of the ship which resulted in
                             burns out, then Didik was forced to stay at the Hotel again.

                          3.  Setelah  dua  minggu  di  Hotel,  Didik  dijemput  kembali  oleh  Pihak  Agency
                             kemudian Didik dibawa ke pelabuhan, tiba di pelabuhan Didik naik tug boat
                             kemudian Didik menuju kapal  Lian yu Chuan 06 berbendera Taiwan, di
                             kapal Lian yu Chuan 06 Didik disambut oleh mandor kapal lalu kemudian
                             Didik dipersilakan untuk meletakan barang atau perbekalan dan istirahat.

                             English version :
                             After two weeks at the Hotel, Didik was picked up again by the Agency
                             then Didik was taken to the port, arrived at the port Didik took a tug boat   Commented [9]: When did the fisher start to work on
                                                                                       LIAN YU CHUAN 06? The official contract says
                             then Didik headed for the Lian yu Chuan 06 Taiwan-flagged ship, on the   2023/01/01 but I don't see a statement here
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