Page 390 - taiwan
P. 390

Lian yu Chuan 06 ship Didik was greeted by the ship's Foreman then Didik
                             was welcome to put goods or supplies and rest.

                          4.  Sekitar  satu  minggu  di  pelabuhan,  kapal  mulai  berlayar  menuju  tempat
                             operasi penangkapan ikan di samudra Hindia, di atas kapal Lian yu Chuan 06
                             menurut keterangan dari Didik ada 21 ABK yang berasal dari indonesia 10
                             orang termasuk mandor kapal dan ada 11 orang ABK asal Filipina, sedangkan
                             Kapten, dan orang engine berasal dari Taiwan.

                             English version :
                             A week in Port, the ship began sailing to the place of fishing operations in
                             the Indian Ocean, on board Lian yu Chuan 06 According to information
                             from Didik there are 21 crew members from Indonesia 10 people including
                             the ship's Foreman and there are 11 crew members from the Philippines,
                             while the captain, and the engine people from Taiwan.

                          5.  Setelah lima belas hari di perjalan kapal tiba ditempat operasi, di perjalanan
                             Didik  sudah  mulai  bekerja  menyiapkan  peralatan  pancing  karena  kapal
                             berjenis (Longline).
                             Di  kapal  Lian  Yu  Chuan  06,  menurut  keterangan  dari  Didik  untuk
                             perlengkapan  kerja  seperti  Jas  Hujan,  Sepatu  Boot,  Sarung  Tangan,  Baju
                             Seragam diberikan oleh mandor kapal.

                             English version :
                             After fifteen days on the way the ship arrived at the place of operation, on
                             the way Didik started working to prepare fishing equipment for the ship
                             type (Longline).
                             On the ship Lian Yu Chuan 06, According to information from students for
                             work equipment such as raincoats, boots, gloves, uniforms given by the
                             ship's Foreman.

                          6.  Sedangkan untuk tempat tidur menurut Didik masih layak untuk ditempati,
                             untuk  makan  juga  masih  layak  untuk  dikonsumsi,  sedangkan  air  minum
                             menggunakan hasil sulingan dari air laut.

                             English version :
                             As for the bed, according to the students, it is still suitable to be occupied,
                             for eating it is also still suitable for consumption, while drinking water is
                             distilled from sea water.

                          7.  Kapal Lian yu Chuan 06 menangkap ikan jenis Tuna, Marlin, M, Albakora dan
                             jenis-jenis  Ikan  lainnya,  untuk  ikan  Hiu  akan  diambil  siripnya  kecuali  Hiu
                             Hitam dan Hiu Tikus.

                             English version :
                             Lian yu Chuan 06 ship catches Tuna, Marlin, m, Albakora and other types
                             of fish, for Sharks will be taken fins except Black Sharks and rat Sharks.   Commented [10]: Potential IUU- shark finning
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