Page 141 - A Life - my Live - my path
P. 141
At the time, the IT department was looking for a new teacher
for its final-year software engineering course for civil
engineer's students and master's students in computer
science. The faculty decided not to recruit a professor from
the academic world, but rather a professional from the
sector, to give students a more hands-on perspective before
they set off into the world of work.
As soon as she was aware of the criteria, the young
consultant thought of me and submitted my profile to her
partner, who knew me by hearsay: the cyclotron
computerization project had lasted over a year, so he'd no
doubt been informed of all the ups and downs experienced
by his young companion. Although she couldn't admit it
officially, she often agreed with the positions I took against
the company that employed her, which considerably
strengthened our professional ties. Her companion also
knew that I ran CASE line, part of an international group
close to IBM.
The university contacted me, I sent in an application and
after several interviews, they confirmed my application,
convinced that I had the right profile for the job. I taught the
"Software Engineering" course for almost 10 years. From
January to June, on Thursdays from 4 to 6 pm. Students also
had 60 hours of practical work supervised by two assistants.
116 Software engineering, like 'civil engineering', is a branch that explains how
to 'build'. In the case of 'Software Engineering', it's the construction of
computer projects and programs.
While in English “Software Engineering” refers primarily to the engineering
disciplines involved, the French term “Génie logiciel” further encompasses
scientifically-grounded and systematic methods for rigorous software