Page 203 - A Life - my Live - my path
P. 203
My Ariadne’s thread: Science
For Albert EINSTEIN, the moon doesn't have a probability
of presence - it's there!
One day, when the theory is complete, quantum mechanics
will appear as a special case of the complete theory.
Personally, I believe in the "deterministic" approach.
Erwin SCHRÖDINGER (1887 - 1961), Nobel Prize in
Physics in 1933, for his wave function equation, which
introduced the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics,
and for his famous "Schrödinger's cat" experiment".
Werner HEISENBERG (1901 - 1976), Nobel Prize in
Physics in 1932 for his work on the "uncertainty principle",
explains the precision that can be achieved when measuring
- at the same time - the "velocity" and "position" of a particle.
Wolfgang PAULI (1900-1958), Nobel Prize in 1945, known for
his defining of the Exclusion 166 Principle and for having
foreseen 167 in 1930 the existence of the "neutrino", which was
detected in 1956.
166 In 1925, he suggested the principle that electrons belonging to the same
system cannot simultaneously be in the same quantum state.
167 To safeguard the principle of energy conservation in β (Beta) decay.