Page 205 - A Life - my Live - my path
P. 205
My Ariadne’s thread: Science
The Big Bang was generally accepted by scientists in the
1960 , following the discovery of the "cosmic microwave
background", the first light emitted by the Big Bang.
For many, the Big Bang is the beginning of everything. The
huge explosion that created the beginning of the universe.
Leaving it at that, it's fair to ask: what was around before the
Big Bang?
For some people, the Big Bang refers to a period in our
universe during which all matter was concentrated in an
extremely small (infinitely small) point and the temperature
was extremely high (infinitely high).
This period is 13.8 billion light-years away .
Why this clustering? What was there before this clustering?
What caused this clustering?
No one has an answer, or even the slightest clue.
168 Light travels at 300,000 km/s (299,792,458 m/s).
One light-year represents: 157,570,915,924.8 km, rounded to 157 billion 570
million km.
This number of 157.570 billion (157.570 109) multiplied by 13.8 billion (13.8
109) gives the distance to the edge of the "visible" universe as 2,174,466 1018
km (2,174 followed by 18 zeros)).