Page 81 - Fear Unmasked Flipbook
P. 81


                 dream home, we have opened up Construction
                 Loans in good faith to build homes built to order
                 for people who aren’t allowed to work right now.
                 With many of our buyers missing their paychecks
                 and potentially missing payments on their bills,
                 this could lead to lower credit scores and defaults
                 on credit to be able to close on the homes we
                 are building for them. For every customer that

                 defaults during a build, that creates another
                 home that stays on the back of Shaw Homes to
                 finance until it is sold. Each one of those homes
                 that defaults costs us $2,000-3,000 per month. If
                 half of the 192 homes under construction were to
                 default, that would add another $240,000 of debt
                 for our company to carry monthly.

                      Meanwhile, the fear that has been propagated
                 by our media and government employees is the
                 real pandemic. All of our employees are terrified
                 to leave their homes. We have employees in their
                 mid-thirties with young children that are scared
                 to come to work because they fear for their
                 children’s lives, even though statistically, children
                 are largely unaffected by the virus.
                      We are allowing the government to force

                 people to stay home. I ask that our leaders in
                 government get a clue and reopen America
                 immediately. Quit crushing our nation’s job

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