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Tissue and organ donation
Many people ask about the possibility of donating tissues and organs
for transplant purposes. King’s College Hospital supports tissue
donation and would like to offer this as an option.
Organ donation (the donation of the heart, lungs, kidney, liver or
pancreas for transplantation) can only take place from a limited
number of people who have died, whilst either on a ventilator or
following withdrawal of treatment. However, people who have died
within a ward setting may still be able to provide invaluable help to
others by donation of tissues. Donating tissues such as corneas, heart
valves, skin, tendons and bone is a choice for everybody. Most tissue
donation is possible, usually within 24 hours following the death, with
the exception of heart valves which is up to 48 hours. Your relative
may have wished to donate by joining the Organ Donor Register,
carrying a donor card or during life, verbally expressed a wish to help
others following their death.
Donated tissue can save lives of others, improve quality of life and be
used for research. Most people can donate some tissue for transplant;
there is no upper age limit age but there are a few medical conditions
which may mean that tissue donation is unsuitable.
We may call you and ask you what your relative’s wishes were, or if
you would like to consent. At no time is there any obligation to agree
to donation – the choice is always yours. Being a donor does not delay
any funeral arrangements or disfigure the body.
The brain or spinal cord may also be used for research into dementia
and other related diseases.
Tissue Services Referral Line
Telephone: 0800 432 0559 (9:00am - 9:00pm)