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Kings College Following 22.06.2021_Layout 1  24/08/2021  14:15  Page 10

            Hospital post-mortem examinations

            Once the MCCD has been issued, the doctor who was responsible
            for the care of the patient may ask your permission to carry out a
            hospital  post-mortem  examination.    This  can  help  doctors  to
            understand more about the cause of death, and can be of value to the
            understanding of disease.  You can request a hospital post- mortem
            examination even if the doctor has not asked you. It will usually be
            carried out within two or three days. The appropriate person will be
            required to give consent and will usually be asked to come to the
            hospital to sign a consent form.  The procedure, and subsequent
            removal and storage of tissue are regulated by the Human Tissue
            Authority, and King’s College Hospital abides by its Codes of Practice.
            More information is available at

            Please contact the bereavement team for more information about
            post-mortem examinations.

            Arranging a funeral

            The  choice  of  funeral  director  is  important,  as  you  should  feel
            comfortable and confident in their ability to arrange a funeral according
            to  your  wishes.  You  may  want  to  ask  questions  about  their
            arrangements, for example:

            •       Whether a viewing can be arranged at the funeral parlour
            •       What costs are involved.

            Costs for the same services may vary considerably from one funeral
            director to another, and you may wish to get more than one quote.

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