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            We will inform you if it is necessary to refer the death to the coroner.
            In  almost  all  cases  you  will  have  an  opportunity  to  speak  with  a
            coroner’s officer, and discuss any concerns about the reason for
            referral, and the cause of death.  Not all referrals result in a post-
            mortem examination. However, if this is necessary, it becomes a legal
            obligation, and although you can raise objections, there is no right of
            refusal. You will be informed where and when it will take place, and
            how the results will be communicated to you by the coroner’s office.

            The  bereavement  team  can  provide  you  with  a  post-mortem
            examination booklet ‘Guide for relatives’ if you would find this helpful.

            Once the results of the examination are known, if an inquest is not
            required, a certificate known as the Pink Form 100B, is issued by the
            coroner’s office and sent directly to the register office in Lambeth.  You
            may then go and register the death.  If an inquest is required the
            coroner’s  officer  will  give  you  further  information  about  death
            certificates and release of the body. Please note that a post-mortem
            examination should not delay your funeral arrangements.

            If you believe that the death should have been referred to the coroner
            you may report it yourself. You should do this as soon as possible and
            before the funeral. The coroner will then inform you of any action they
            propose to take.

            Staff at the coroner’s office are available to answer any questions you
            may have.

                                London Inner South Coroner
                                        1 Tennis Street
                                            SE1 1YD
                            Telephone: 020 7525 4200 (Option 1)
                   Opening hours 8.00am-12.00pm and 1.00pm-3.00pm
                        Monday to Friday excluding Bank Holidays

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