P. 18
We should realize that your appointment as a minister of music is sacred, and it should be
cherished. One Sunday, your sacrifice to minister before God will cause an anointing to be
released that will bring deliverance, healing, and/or perhaps shift a life from the kingdom of
darkness to the kingdom of light. Worship which should be an opportunity for all the members
of the congregation to join in and worship with the team. This kind of worship invites the
presence of God and invigorates the congregation.
Old Testament Hebrew Words for Worship (google each strong’s number)
Shachah (shaw-khaw') Strongs #7812 - bow self-down, crouch, fall down flat
Abad (aw-bad') Strongs #5647. ...
Caged (saw-gad') Strongs #5456. ...
Proskuneo (pros-koo-neh'-o) Strongs #4352. ...
Sebomai (seb'-om-ahee) Strongs #4576. ...
Latreuo (lat-ryoo'-o) Strongs #4576. ...
Therapeuo (ther-ap-yoo'o) Strongs #2323.
In John Chapter 4 Jesus encounters a Samaritan Woman at a well while His disciples had gone
into town to buy food. It was to this woman divorced 5 times, that our Messiah reveals her
brokenness and what kind of worship God was looking for. The worship of God is not easy. It is
easy to pretend to worship. Not all worship is the same. Some raise their hands, bow their heads,
or bend their knees. We speak the language of worship. But is worship really a reality in our lives?
Songs are easy enough if you can carry a tune. But something is it really in spirit and in truth? Not
really. Not in truth. True worship is a valuing or treasuring God above all things. Worship means
the heart. It must be sincere. Worship matters to God and it should matter to you. Worship is a
created for worship and created to worship.
Singing: This is a physical action that provides worshippers to express through songs what is
their heart. Singing, though similar to talking, is quite different. It is singing as a congregation that
we can show thanksgiving, gratitude, and praise. Everyone can at the same time communicate
to God. Singing can provide the worshipper with a greater ability to use emotions.
Seeking/ Prayer: Prayer is at the heart of worship. In prayer, through the Holy Spirit, people
seek after and are found by the one true God who has been revealed in Jesus Christ. They listen