P. 21
Your personal time with God is essential to the Posture you take with the team and the posture
you take as a leader. No matter how you try to hideָּit,ָּeventuallyָּtheָּ“true”ָּyouָּwillָּemerge.ָּ
What you hide from man will eventually be revealed. What you try to hide from God has always
been known.
● Worship is not about some segment within the confines of a church service. It is about a
life dedicated to God.
● (Romans 12:1-2) Worshipָּ isָּ aָּ responseָּ thatָּ wasָּ givenָּ toָּ youָּ inָּ loveָּ andָּ God’sָּ
expectation is that you will respond back to Him in love. As a team member and/or as the worship
leader, you must be committed to striving for worship that pleases God both individually and
● (John 4:23-24) The kind of worship that God requires comes from worshippers that
worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people, the Father seeks to be His worshipers.
True worship does not start on the outside, but it starts on the inside. It is the result of an intimacy
that starts from your personal relationship with God and flows from the inside out. Worship
reflectsָּyourָּ“heartָּcondition”. What does that mean? It means that God is not looking at your
talent, He is looking at your heart. What is the position of your heart? The position of the true
and never ever beneath. It is a position that embraces the holiness of God with the expectation
that your life of holiness is a response birthed in faith and love.
Example of Personal Commitment in the Bible: David
KingָּDavid’sָּmusicָּministryָּstartedָּwith the young David and his harp, ministering before Saul
to entertain the congregation, but to minister before God. The truth is, the presence of God
changes the atmosphere and when the atmosphere changes, healing, deliverance, and the
supernatural have an incubator to give birth and it all points to one thing, when music, dedicated
toָּGod,ָּisָּofferedָּupָּtoָּGodָּasָּaָּsweetָּfragrantָּoffering,ָּGod’sָּgloryָּandָּhisָּoutstretched arm is
revealed.ָּ Thinkָּ ofָּ whatָּ youָּ doָּ asָּ musicalָּ therapy.ָּ Notָּ basedָּ onָּ anythingָּ “natural”ָּ
phenomenon, but totally and wholly because of the presence of God.
“AndָּwheneverָּtheָּtormentingָּspiritָּfromָּGodָּtroubledָּSaul,ָּDavidָּwouldָּplayָּtheָּharp. Then
Saulָּwouldָּfeelָּbetter,ָּandָּtheָּtormentingָּspiritָּwouldָּgoָּaway.”ָּ— 1Samuel 16:23 NLT
that singers and musicians could minister before the Lord as a full-time occupation (1 Chr. 16:37).