P. 22
David established 4,000 musicians, 288 singers (12 x 24 = 288) and 4,000 gatekeepers. Thus, he
day and night.
1 Chr. 23:5, 7 So the number of them, with their brethren who were instructed in the songs of
the LORD, all who were skillful, was two hundred and eighty-eight.
this as an unimaginable chance to present to God something precious. Something amazing.
nothing would be more important. Worship was all about God! Chronicles 23 kills the notion that
the singers were just supposed to be skillful, but they were supposed to be trained. If you cannot
be trained and submit yourself to training, you should immediately resign.
2 Chr. 23:18 Jehoiadaָּappointed…theָּLevites…withָּsinging,ָּasָּitָּwasָּestablishedָּby David.
See your appointment to the praise team as the possibility to leave a legacy that can be and
you leave a legacy of faithfulness, commitment, and unwavering faith?
David prepared a tent for the ark, appointing singers and musicians to minister to the Lord before
it (15:1-3). After bringing the ark to Jerusalem, David established a new worship order led by
singers and musicians who ministered to God as their full-time vocation
(1 Chr.15-16). No one was to carry the ark of God and minister to Him but the Levites.
The music ministry has a purpose and you have been invited to share in it. To experience it up
close. To share it with others. To experience the presence of God so much until it impacts the
very place you have helped to usher the presence of God in. Your call begins with a desire to be