P. 24

Questions to ask yourself:

               ★       Why have you come to the praise team?

               ★       Do you have the passion?

               ★       Are you committed?

               ★       Can you be called faithful?

               ★       Can you be the model the kingdom requires?

               Leadership is not for the weak. It is not for those seeking position or popularity. It is for
               someone seeking the presence of God.

               What  is  leadership?  In  one  word—influence.  The  ability  to  influence  action  to  accomplish  a
               common goal. In this case, it is the ability to influence the team to embrace the vision and the
               purpose of the ministry they have connected themselves to.

               ●       Leadership is through visibility. It is what is seen and not by what is said.

               ●       Leadership is by example. Be able to model what you expect.

               ●       Leadership inspects what it expects.

               ●       Leadership can separate relationships from responsibility. Your “friends” will not put you
               in the position to compromise the guidelines and expectation of the ministry to please them.
               Your justice and Judgement must be fair and untainted by friendship and favor.

               Leaders are not to oppress and overpower others with their authority, like the Gentiles practiced.
               Instead,  leaders  serve  others,  which  Jesus  demonstrated  when  He  “made  Himself  of  no
               reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found
               in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even
               the death of the cross” (Philippians 2:7-8).

               The Ministry in its essence, is not a democracy, but rather, a Theocracy. Although some decisions
               can be put to a vote, it is not the task of leadership to always have a consensus to decide the
               outcome of certain situations. As a leader, you must be bold enough to make
               “hard” decisions. There are times that “voting” confuses the situation and hinders the execution
               of the task.
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