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and wait upon God, call God by name, remember God's gracious acts, and offer themselves to

                 Speaking/Sermon: We need to hear the word of God. And it is imperative to note that even the
               preaching is a form ofָּworshipָּtoָּGod.ָּGodָּwhat’sָּyouָּwantָּtoָּknowָּaboutָּhim?ָּHeָּwantsָּyouָּ
               toָּ knowָּ himָּ intimately.ָּ Preachingָּ isָּ aָּ chanceָּ toָּ plungeָּ intoָּ God’sָּ word,ָּ theָּ bibleָּ andָּ
               understand more about who he is. Discover how God works. In regards to worship, the music is
               not the warm-up to the message. Both are vital to the whole worship experience. Preaching and
               music complement each other.

                 Sharing (time, talent, gifts): Though the act of giving is often thought of to be monetary gifts,
               for  God  it  goes  beyond  that.  It  is  your  entire  life  that  God  wants.  You  have  the  amazing
               opportunity to give all your resources to God. This encompasses your time, your body, your mind
               and all your possessions. A true sacrifice of praise is when you give back to God what he has given
               to you.

                 Spiritual Union (communion): Communion is the greatest privilege a Christian can experience.
               During this time, you have a truly close relationship with Jesus. This is a moment of oneness. It is
               time  for  the  worshipper  to  bind  with  their  Savior.  It  identifies  the  believer  with  Christ.
               Communion allows us to center on the greatest gift ever given to the world. It is an instance to
               remember that Jesus' death on the cross is the ultimate and final sacrifice for the sins of the

               ★       Another translation for “worship” literally means “serve” or “service.” The people of Israel
               were saved from slavery in Egypt so that they could serve the Lord (Exodus 3:12).

               ★       A third form means fear, reverence, or respect for God (Deut 5:29), obey his voice (1 Sam
               12:14),  walk  in  his  ways  (Deut  8:6),  turn  from  evil  (Prov  3:7),  and  serve  him  (Deut  6:13).

               Things to Remember About Worship

               ●       Focus on Him  - True worship is based on the desire to honor God. It requires a personal

               ●       Evidence of Sacrifice and surrender – Rom. 12:1-2 – You must want it. The evidence
               becomes clear because of the personal sacrifice—not just corporately (church), but personally.

               “ThroughָּJesus,ָּtherefore,ָּletָּusָּcontinuallyָּofferָּtoָּGodָּaָּsacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips

               ●       The  Revelation  of  who  God  is  and  what  He  has  done  –  Relationship  matters.
               Relationships can not be imitated. God must be real to you in order for him to be expressed
               through you.
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