P. 20

Know that the LORD is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep
               of His pasture. 4 Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him
               and praise His name.    Psalms 100:3-4

               The worship of God is not easy. It is easy to pretend to worship. Not all worship is the same. Some
               raise their hands, bow their heads, or bend their knees. We speak the language of worship. But
               is worship really a reality in our lives? Songs are easy enough if you can carry a tune. But is it
               really in spirit and in truth? Not really. Not in truth. True worship is valuing or treasuring God
               it must come from within, from the heart. It must be sincere. Worship matters to God and it
               and celebrate Him. We were created for worship and created to worship.

               ➢ Two main types of worship are corporate and personal.

               ❖       Corporate is the church or a small group or fellowship. It is a means to experience God
               together. Singing to God is an important aspect of corporate worship, but it is not the only way
               of expressing devotion to God. Corporate worship is a means to bind us together.

               ❖       Personal is just as it sounds. It is worship built on our personal pursuit of God and His
               Just like any goal that we want to accomplish in life, we must be committed and dedicated.

               If we want to experience the glory of God we must be committed to building a strong relationship
               with him and spending time to know him. If we as a team would like to
               continuously experience the presence of God when we worship, we must not only be committed
               to worshipping in church but in our personal lives on our personal time.

               It is our responsibility to offer ourselves as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1-2) Have a personal
               relationship with Jesus Christ to HONOR (Psalm 29:1-2), PRAISE (Psalm 149, 150) and

               REMEMBER (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) God and (Revelation 5) the work of Jesus the Christ.

               The focus of our worship is not to each other, but to God! Knowing this, each team member
               should rehearse that fact until it is a reality settled in the deepest recesses of your spirit.

               It is not just about the music. It is about who owns you. It is about who owns your heart. It is
               about who you love with all your heart, mind, and soul.

               The truth of the matter is that, in your personal worship time, you may not necessarily need
               music and you need to be okay with that. However, there are other times that music can serve
               as a bridge to set the mood or to reset your mind. As a member of the praise team, you should
               seeָּitָּasָּanָּ“appointment”ָּtoָּtheָּministryָּofָּGodָּandָּnotָּjust someone who has joined another
               auxiliary. It should be considered among the things that are most precious to you.
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