Page 170 - 李增宗-花言花語-李增宗88獻禮
P. 170


           (3) ϶ɿ€bambooj                                     ˜ڀʕГ݄™jܲГ݄މʕ਷̚˾̬ɽߕɾ
              ൥ᅄ࡝ٜ৷ᆎᑹൈe̻τʾሒf                                    ʘɓdఏӁᕯڀЍʘߕf
                                                                Azalea is one of the most Beautiful
             ˜϶৵ڡૠ™jՅِࣛМd϶৵ʘʹf                                  flowers in China.
              Friendship in youth.
                                                             (7) ஃڀāᇳڀ€Lotusj˾ڌ৷ᆎf
              Family letter reporting all is well.             ˜Ώ૶͗ᆎ™jˏఏۜࣸ৷֠f
                                                                As clean as ice and as pure as jade.
              Seemingly unimportant but useful things.         ˜̈ϮإϾʔݑ™jఏ዁Б৷ᆎf
                                                                To grow out of mud unsullied.
           (4) ീڀ€ChrysanthemumjࡗᒲၛѸf
                                                             (8) ӫʗ€Peonyjڀʕʘˮf
              Each is good at winning.                         ˜ڀʕʘˮ™jڀɽϾ࠰d९၈ڀʕʘˮf
                                                                King of flowers.
              An old woman who lose her charm.                 ˜ӫʗڀɨϥdਂ৺ɰࠬݴ™jՊ̈׼ಃಷ
             ˜׼˚රڀ™j                                            ެᕻκเ൮κj˜ͩ࿹໽ɨϥdਂ৺ɰࠬ
              ܸൂᑽٙീڀdఏཀࣛٙԫيאৃࢹf                                 ݴf™
              What has already taken place.
                                                             (9) ٓု€Rosej
             ˜රڀૉື™jૉϋʥڭ݅Ϟື዁f                                   ൥ᅄ୿ᘌ࿲ᘴၾ͑ܩٙฌf
              To keep one's integrity in old age.
           (5) ؒ€Pinej੬ڡd͑ܩʔϟf                                 ٙႰ౅ࠅ౤ԣf
                                                                No rose without a thorn.
              Remain evergreen as the pine and cypress.        ˜ٓုɛ͛™jܸτඅɛ͛f
                                                                A bed of rose : A very pleasant and state
                                                                to be in.
              Evergreen survives winter best.                  ˜ʔးνจ™jܸʈЪʿԫઋೌجးഛးߕf
                                                                Be not all of roses.
              To live as long as the pine and crane.           ˜ڭς।੗™jӷֵɨdʔੵ౮f

                                                                Under the rose.
           (6) Ӂᕯڀ€Azaleajฌၾఃࣀf
                                                                Look at the world through rose-colored
              Resplendent with variegated coloration.

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