Page 171 - 李增宗-花言花語-李增宗88獻禮
P. 171

The language of flowers  The present on my 88 Birthday

                     (10) ঩ڀ€Camelliaj                                   ˜࣭ɿᙗ࠰™jܸʕ߇ۃܝ࣭ዓකڀf
                         ᔫฐeҁߕeೌԝf                                         The fragrance of Osmanthus flower.

                        ˜঩ඵೌː™jʔܠභ࠮dӚϞ࠮ᅎf                                 ˜ᖿࢗұ࣭™jఏᏐϽ੻ʕf
                         To have no appetite.                              Win the Laurels in civil
                         Tea rooms and taverns.                        (12) ˥̀j൥ᅄหจeܠׂeྠ෥f

                        ˜঩ԸФ˓dඵԸකɹ™j                                      ˜˥̀ڀस™j
                         ܸཀ΅ඝ౳ٙ͛ݺf                                         Ҏᖳग़༑dߕӲɿᚥᅂІᅐdҳ˥Ͼɳd
                         Live off without doing any work, led an           Ͼڗ̈˥̀ڀf
                         easy life.                                        Looking at one's shadow and admire
                         One's cup of tea : The sort of thing          (13) ͩ࿹€Pomegranatej
                         one likes.                                        ൥ᅄɿ࢑တੀf

                        ˜΢Ϟᓥ᙮™jᐑྤʔΝdೌج੶Ӌf                                 ˜εɿε࢑™j
                         Not for all the tea in China"under                Have many sons and grandsons.
                         no circumstances, Not for any
                         consideration."                                  ˜ɿ࢑တੀ™j
                                                                           Descendants of the house.
                         عܸ঩⎢༁ٙࠬᅳdІ඾৬໔f                                (14) ݐɿ€Persimmonj
                         A storm in a teacup.                              ൥ᅄνจනːf

                     (11) ࣭ڀ€Sweet Osmanthusj                            ˜ԫԫνจ™jEverything goes well.

                         Famous and capable posterity.

                         Poet Laureate.

                         Fragrant odour.

                         As the apple of Sodom-flashy.

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