Page 143 - Foy
P. 143
their heirs and assigns forever.
Lastly, I conclude and appoint Henry B. Howard and Henry R. Foy
executors of this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this date above written.
James Foy
Signed, sealed, in presense of
Test. G. St George
Elizabeth Howard.
In the deed of 1795 for “Popular Grove Plantation” the original house is referred
to as “the mansion house”. That house was later distroyed by fire but was replaced
with a structure which still stands and has belonged to the Foys continuously ever
since. The original deed is in an old deed box along with numerous other historical
FOY family documents, which include deeds, wills and slave papers. Following is
a copy of the deed:
Registered in New Hanover County,
Book L., pages 133, 134, & 135; Richard Bradley, Registrar.
This indenture made this twelvth day of May in the year one thousand seven
hundred and ninty five between Henry Urguhart and Henry Toomer
surviving executors of Frances Clayton late of New Hanover county
deceased, on the one part and James Foy, Junior, of the other part;
WITNESSETH that for and in consideration of the sum of one thousand
pounds current money to them in hand paid by him the said James Foy
Junior at or before the unsealing and delievery of these presents, the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged, they the said Henry Urguhart and Henry
Toomer surviving executors as aforesaid have granted, bargained, sold
aliened and confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain sell alein and
confirm unto him the said James Foy Junior his heirs and assignsall that
tract or parcel of land, containing six hundred and twenty eight acres mor
or less, situate lying and being on New Topsail Sound in New Hanover
County, commanly known by the name of Popular Grove, and bounded as
Ch 13 Pg10