Page 158 - Foy
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LEWIS FOY and his marriage to BATHSHEBA LIPSEY. For example she had
               a handwritten note from SHIRLEY MORGAN HUFFMAN of El Dorado, Ark.
               which stated in part:

               “JOHN M.       POWLEDGE married FRANCES WARD                      FOY (born 4/4/1810 in
               NC)......  FRANCES FOY            was 15 years old        when    married to     JOHN      M.
               POWLEDGE.  Her father was LEWIS FOY, born in NC.  His family was very rich
               and came from near Paris, France.  They settled in NC near the ocean.  LEWIS
               FOY was sent back to Paris to school and educated to be a gentleman.  His family
               disowned  him when he married  BATHESHBA  LIPSEY, who was Dutch.”

               As we have discussed before,         as one does genealogical       research   he runs into
               stories like the one above. Every family has them.  There is, of course, no way to
               determine the source of such information or even if the information is correct
               but they make the search interesting.


               Through the FOY web site on the internet, email and the first National FOY
               Family Reunion held at Popular Grove Plantation in Wilmington, N.C. in June
               of the year 2000 another individual researching the LEWIS FOY leg of FOY
               ancestry was discovered.

               His name is DAVID DARELL               FOY.    DAVID     is a graduate    of  the  US Naval
               Academy. In July 2001 he finished a tour as Executive Officer of the Naval Air
               Station   in Washington,      DC.    He is presently attending       the  National Defense
               University    and has time and access to the        Library of    Congress,    the  National
               Archives and other important          records libraries in the DC area.         We   shall be
               expecting starling news about the FOYs from                his research in    those  August


               DAVID’s family also descended from an offspring of LEWIS FOY, the son of
               JAMES FOY,SR, i.e. JAMES FOY. JAMES would have been a brother to my
               great, great grandfather, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FOY.


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