Page 154 - Foy
P. 154

LEWIS FOY listed.)

               Now, there is an instance where names associated with a particular LEWIS FOY
               we recognize as being members of JAMES FOY, SR’s immediate family. Both
               ENOCH and MORRIS are the names of two of JAMES FOY, JR’s children.
               THOMAS FOY allegedly was the father of JAMES.

               Another record discovered in the Jones County, N.C. Deed Book K. Page 157
               was a deed wherein LEWIS FOY sold a slave named PETER to ENOCH FOY
               for $300.00. This is one of those records we liken to a “slam dunk” in basketball
               to prove our point.  Look back at the will of JAMES FOY, SR on the third page
               of this chapter.    Note   the  name of the slave JAMES gave to           his son, LEWIS.
               That’s right. It was PETER.

               In the Jones County, N.C. Deed Book K, page 176-177 and in Deed Book 4, page
               244 there is a record recorded in 1808 reporting the fact that ENOCH FOY sold

               to LEWIS FOY 173 acres of land for $700.00.

               Another Jones County record found in Deed Book 12, pages 338 & 339 is a deed
               dated October 16, 1809 wherein            is  recorded   that ELIZABETH         & RHODA
               NEWBOLD sold 268 acres of land to LEWIS FOY for $1,000.00. We do not
               know who the       NEWBOLDs are          but  the  transaction   obviously was      with  the
               LEWIS FOY who lived in Jones County, N.C. that had dealings with other direct
               members of the JAMES FOY, SR family.

               In  Deed Book     12,  pages 60   & 61 is   a record    reporting   that on   April 3,  1811
               WILLIAM WATSON sold 160 acres of land to LEWIS FOY. This transaction
               was witnessed by HASKIL HATCH and HENRY R. WARD. (WARD is a name

               associated with JAMES FOY,SR.  He married two ELIZABETH WARDs.) We
               will see the name HATCH associated with  this LEWIS FOY in the next item.

               In Deed Book 12, page 224 is a record reporting that in November of 1811 in
               Jones County LEWIS FOY sold a slave named HENRY (about age 8) to HENRY
               C. HATCH. This was witnessed by JOHN HOUSTON.

               On January 11, 1813 in Jones County LEWIS FOY sold 363 acres of land to
               ENOCH FOY. This is found in Deed Book 12, page 329 of Jones County records.

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