Page 126 - Ming_China_Courts_and_Contacts_1400_1450 Craig lunas
P. 126
Plate 13.3a–b: a (left) Underglazed cobalt-blue and iron-brown shanlei 山罍, Joseon dynasty, 15th century. Height 27.8cm, diameter mouth
9.5cm, foot 11.8cm. Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art; b) (right) Five Rites (Olyeui 五禮儀) in Annals of the King Sejong (Sejong Sillok 世宗
實錄), dated 1451, reprint of T’aebaeksanbon edition (Seoul, 1955)
Plate 13.4 Yellow-glazed jar with two rope-shaped handles, 15th Plate 13.5 Blue-glazed porcelain jar (xizun 犧尊), Jiajing mark and
century. Height 23.2cm, diameter mouth 10cm, foot 11cm. National period, 1522–66. Height 25.8cm. Baur Foundation, Museum of Far
Palace Museum, Taipei Eastern Art, Geneva
116 | Ming China: Courts and Contacts 1400–1450