Page 139 - April 4 2017 Pavillion Sale Christies HK
P. 139

THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN                                           商 玉琮

167                                                                   來源
A DARK SPINACH-GREEN JADE CONG                                        Alex Vervoodt珍藏,阿姆斯特丹
SHANG DYNASTY (C. 1600-1100 BC)                                       哈特曼伉儷,入藏於1996年前
The thick-sided square-section facetted exterior is left
undecorated, terminating in a short circular foot and mouth, the      展覽
interior aperture of characteristic circular section, the highly      紐約佳士得,2001年3月13-26號
polished stone of an attractive mottled dark sea-green tone.          波士頓美術博物館,2003年8月-2004年12月

3Ω in. (8.9 cm.) high, box                                            著錄
                                                                      Robert Kleiner,《Chinese Jades from the Collection of Alan and
HK$150,000-260,000         US$20,000-34,000                          Simone Hartman》,香港,1996年,圖二


Alex Vervoodt, Amsterdam
The personal collection of Alan and Simone Hartman, acquired
prior to 1996
Sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 27 November 2007, lot 1592


Christie’s New York, 13-26 March 2001
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, August 2003 - December 2004


Robert Kleiner, Chinese Jades from the Collection of Alan and
Simone Hartman, Hong Kong, 1996, no. 2

Compare a cong of similar form in the British Museum illustrated by
J. Rawson, Chinese Jade, London, 1995, p. 151, fig.2; compare also a
somewhat larger undecorated spinach-green jade cong included in
the exhibition, Chinese Jade, An Important Private Collection, Spink
and Sons, November 1991, in the catalogue, no. 23.

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