Page 286 - Bonhams Fine Chinese Art Nov 2013 London
P. 286


277                                                                   278
A gilt-bronze figure of a Tibetan lama                                A gilt-bronze figure of a Lama
18th century                                                          18th century
Cast with a shaven head and seated on a three-tiered pedestal         Cast seated cross-legged atop a blanketed plinth formed from
covered with hangings, the thick embroidered robe falling in folds    three layers incised with various floral patterns, his right hand held
from the broad shoulders, the right hand raised in vitarka mudra and  in front of his chest in vitarka mudra and his left resting in his lap,
the left hand supporting a Buddhist wheel.                            gently smiling with downcast eyes, wearing a long flowing robe and
11.5cm (4½in) high                                                    surmounted by a high peaked monk’s cap.
£2,000 - 3,000                                                        16.5cm (6½in) high
HK$25,000 - 37,000	  CNY20,000 - 29,000                               £6,000 - 8,000
                                                                      HK$75,000 - 100,000	  CNY59,000 - 79,000

十八世紀 銅鎏金西藏喇嘛坐像

                                                                      十八世紀 銅鎏金喇嘛坐像
                                                                      Provenance: an English private collection


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