Page 50 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 50

12         —      MARKS AND SEALS ON POTTERY.

                         The wares produced      in the province of Ise     are known
                    by   the name     of  Banko,   which   signifies  “  for  ever,”  or,
                    literally, ancient ten thousand    ban, ten thousand     ko, old or
                                                     ;                     ;
                     ancient.   The   character   is  found   impressed,   or  in  rare
                     instances  painted, upon   nearly  all  the wares made     in  this
                     province   it  is written in various  styles,  of which examples
                     are  here given  :

                                    BANKO.          BANKO.          BANKO.
                                   Impressed,       Impressed.      Impressed.

                                    BANKO.          BANKO.          BANKO.
                                Impressed,  Old style.  PahUed,  Ijupressed, New style.
                     The stamp    is seldom used     alone   it  is generally shown in
                     combination with marks      of a   similar meaning, or with the
                     name   of the maker, of the factory, or some other character.

                       Bafiko ware.  Banko ware.  Tekizaji,  Banko ware,  Yofu factory.  Bajiko ware,
                        Unchanging.     the 77taker,    A Thousand Autumns,     fapan.
                     The   impressed    characters   are most frequently found upon
                     the  thin,  hand-potted    ware  with   which   the name     Banko
                     is generally  associated, but the    faience, which  is also made
                     in  this  province,  is  often decorated with painted characters
                     of a   similar  meaning.    These   are sometimes     so  arranged
                     as   to  form   a  favorite  Japanese   phrase,   in the  following
                     manner   :
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