Page 10 - E-Module Telling Time, Day, Date and Month
P. 10

2.  Telling Day

                              On telling day there are 2 categories of days that you should know, namely
                              weekdays and weekends. The weekdays are Monday, Tuesday,  Wednesday,

                              Thursday and Friday, while the weekends are Saturday and Sunday. Let's name
                              the days below together:

                                                                        Figure 3 Name of Day

                              Now that you know the names of days in English and how to pronounce them.

                              Now you will practice with your friends to say the names of the days by using
                              the words "before or after" like the example below:

                                                                 Friday is before
                                              Monday is after        Saturday
                                Saturday is                                           Wednesday is
                              before Sunday                                           after Tuesday

                                                      IMPORTANT NOTE!

                                        We use the preposition of time 'on' to name the day.
                                            Example: I attend a math course on Tuesday

               Modul Telling Time, Day, Date and Month
               VII SMP/MTs
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15