Page 48 - Photoshop for Lightroom Users – Scott Kelby 2nd Edition
P. 48

Selections: Basic Selections (How to Work on Just Part of Your Image)
               All of Lightroom’s Develop module sliders pretty much affect the entire image. So, if you wanted to adjust only part of an image, you’d get the Adjustment
               Brush and paint over just that area. You can also do this in Photoshop (using a different method), but generally, if you want to edit just one part of your
               image, you use Photoshop’s selection tools to tell it: “When I make an adjustment, only affect this area.” There is a tool for every type of selection
               imaginable, which is one of the things that make Photoshop so powerful. Here are the selection tools you’ll use the most, but we’ll cover more advanced
               ones later in the book:
               Making Rectangular Selections:
               If the area you want to select is either square or rectangular, there’s one tool that does both: the Rectangular Marquee tool (I think they call it “marquee”
               because the animation that shows where the selection boundary is looks like a Hollywood movie marquee with chasing lights, but most folks just call it
               “the marching ants”). Choose this tool (it’s the second one from the top in the Toolbar, or press M) and select an area by clicking-and-dragging out a
               rectangle (as seen here, where I drew a rectangular selection over the rocks). Note: To make a perfectly square selection, just press-and-hold the Shift key
               while you click-and-drag.
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