Page 51 - Photoshop for Lightroom Users – Scott Kelby 2nd Edition
P. 51
Tip: DeselectinG & Moving Selections
If you want to remove your selection altogether (called “deselecting”), just press Command-D (PC: Ctrl-D). To move or reposition a selection, click
inside it (while you still have the selection tool) and drag it. To reposition your selection while you’re dragging it out, press-and-hold the Spacebar and you
can move it as you drag it out. Lastly, if you want to move what’s inside a selected area (not just the selection itself), then switch to the Move tool (V).
Drawing Freehand Selections:
The Lasso tool (L; the third tool down in the Toolbar) lets you draw a free-form selection (here, I traced around the big rock in the foreground). Just click-
and-hold and start drawing, like you’re tracing around the edges with a pencil or pen. When you get back near to where you started, release the mouse
button and it connects to where you started and makes the selection. If what you want to select has straight lines, but it’s not a square or rectangle (like a
stop sign), then you can use the Lasso tool’s cousin, the Polygonal Lasso tool (it’s nested beneath the Lasso tool; press Shift-L until you have it). This tool
lets you draw a selection made up of straight lines and kind of works like a connect-the-dots tool: click at the point where you want to start, move your
cursor to the next corner and click, it draws a straight selection line between the two points, and then you continue on to the next point. When you get back
to where you started, click on the first point and it creates the selection.