Page 50 - Photoshop for Lightroom Users – Scott Kelby 2nd Edition
P. 50
Subtracting from Your Selected Area:
If instead of adding, you want to subtract an area from your selection, press-and-hold the Option (PC: Alt) key and click-and-drag over that area (which is
what I did here where I removed most of the left side of my selection—I pressed-and-held the Option key and dragged out a rectangle over the area on the
left I wanted to remove from my selection). Now, if you were to desaturate (remove the color), it would only affect those areas that are still selected (as
seen here). Note: You can use these same keys (Shift and Option) to add/subtract from selections made with any of Photoshop’s selection tools. Let’s hit
Command-Z (PC: Ctrl-Z), again, to Undo our color removal from that selected area.
Making Circular Selections:
Let’s move on from rectangular and square selections to oval or circular ones. They work the same way, but you just use a different tool—the Elliptical
Marquee tool (it’s nested beneath the Rectangular Marquee tool in the Toolbar, or press Shift-M). Click-and-drag to make oval-shaped selections; press-
and-hold the Shift key while clicking-and-dragging to make perfect circles.