P. 43

21. Milan, S., Sani, R., & Sani, K. (2014). Inisiatif digital Perpustakaan Politeknik

                               Kuching Sarawak; Repositori Institusi. Retrieved from


               Digital  Repository  of  Polytechnic  Institutions  Kuching  Sarawak  has  been  implemented  in

               collaboration  with  departments  and  units  in  SMEs  with  maximizing  available  resources  and
               expertise.  Dspace  software  was  selected  for  realizing  and  ensuring  that  the  MCC  Archive

               Collection materials are managed and accessible on a larger scale. This project emphasizes the

               management of SME historical materials, materials for teaching and learning as well as SMEs'
               intellectual  resources.  This  project  has  been  successfully  implemented  with  almost  1,000

               materials uploaded. The success of this project has made a positive impact on the management of
               the SME Library. Among them are sharing of research information, using open source software,

               and so on. The project has presented challenges and issues regarding low deposit rates, provision
               of human resource development and development. Assessment of use is necessary conducted by

               the SME Library to see the effectiveness of Digital  Institution Repositories Kuching Sarawak

               Polytechnic in helping to manage, preserve and deliver information to users.

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