P. 45

23. Nazarovets,  S.,  Silva,  J.  A.  T.  D.,  &  Nazarovets,  M.  (2019).  Challenge  of  Ukrainian
                               academic  librarians  in  an  evolving  scholarly  publishing  landscape. The  Journal  of

                               Academic Librarianship, 45(1), 9–14. doi: 10.1016/j.acalib.2018.11.001

                       Ukrainian research institutes are under pressure as a direct result of limited funding in the face of
                       a  prolonged  economic  crisis.  This  has  also  had  a  direct  negative  impact  on  librarians'

                       functionality,  as  they  have  seen  increasing  limitations  on  acquisitions.  Despite  economic
                       difficulties, Ukrainian academic librarians are trying to offer specialized services to their end-

                       users which involve active librarian mediation in the preparation and dissemination of the results
                       of the scientific work of these users. One notable feature is to provide users with support on how
                       pseudo-scientific  journals  are  identified.  In  this  paper,  based  on  a  survey  of  librarians  from

                       leading Ukrainian universities, we first researched Ukrainian experts' key information resources
                       and tools to check the validity of scientific journals so that library users can be recommended as

                       credible outlets for disseminating research results.

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