Page 112 - Lawyer Humor PUB_Neat
P. 112
Personal Opinion vs. Professional Advice
I mentioned this in passing a little earlier.
Sometimes we lawyers have a choice to make in
giving people advice. When clients ask me questions,
I’ll sometimes reply by asking:
“Do you want my personal opinion,
or my professional advice?”
They are not always one and the same, especially in
our day and age, with laws changing very often, and
with politicians passing any laws that come out of
their heads… or maybe out of their butts.
The Ten Commandments of the Law
Let me share the 10 commandments for lawyers. By
the way, don’t tell any lawyer I shared these with you
or they might get mad.
I said earlier that s Supreme Court Justice recently
remarked that we now have over 10 MILLION LAWS
in America to enforce the 10 COMMANDMENTS.
This is why we lawyers sometimes get confused,
wouldn’t you imagine? And it’s also why we have
developed the 10 commandments of lawyers, which