Page 210 - Daniel
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in the prophetic interpretation particular attention is given to the little
               horn,  the  outstanding  personage  at  the  end  of  the  age,  who  will  be
               destroyed  with  the  inauguration  of  the  kingdom  from  heaven.  He  is
               described as a blasphemer and a persecutor of the saints. He will also
               attempt to “change the times and the law,” that is, to change times of

               religious  observances  and  traditions  such  as  characterize  those  who
               worship  God.  Critics  relate  this  to  Antiochus  Epiphanes.   While
               Antiochus may foreshadow the activities of the little horn of Daniel 7,
               the complete fulfillment will be much more severe and extensive.

                  The duration of the little horn’s power continues “for a time, times,
               and  half  a  time.”  This  expression,  also  found  in  Daniel  12:7,  is
               incorrectly identified with “the times of the Gentiles” in Luke 21:24 by
               Montgomery.  As  he  points  out,  however,  the  normal,  traditional
               explanation  is  that  the  expression  means  three  and  one-half  years.

               “Essaying  an  exact  interpretation,  ‘time’  may  be  interpreted  as  ‘year’
               after the usual interpretation at 4:13 (q.v.). The traditional, and by far
               the most common, understanding of’ ‘times’ is as of a dual; the word is
               pointed as a [plural], but the [Aramaic], later having lost the dual, the
               tendency of [the Masoretic text] is to ignore it in the [biblical Aramaic].
               Accordingly, one plus two plus one-half equals three and one-half years.

               The  term  is  identical  with  the  half-year  week  of  9:27  [which]  equals
               three and one-half years.”       70
                  Given  other  Scriptures  (cf.  Dan.  4:25  where  periods  of  times  equals

               years), the meaning seems clearly to refer to the last three and one-half
               years  preceding  Christ’s  second  advent,  which  will  bring  in  the  final
               form of God’s kingdom on earth. This computation is confirmed by the
               forty-two  months,  or  three  and  one-half  years,  in  Revelation  11:2  and
               13:5, and the 1,260 days of Revelation 11:3. Daniel also refers to 1,290
               days in 12:11 and 1,335 days in 12:12, which apparently includes the

               establishment  of  the  fifth  kingdom  as  well  as  the  destruction  of  the
               beast.  All  of  these  considerations  lend  support  to  the  futuristic
               interpretation of this final period of world history.            71

                            THE DESTRUCTION OF THE FOURTH EMPIRE AND
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