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Liu et al. Arthritis Research & Therapy 2010, 12:R210

             RESEARCH ARTICLE                                                                Open Access

            Therapeutic potential of human umbilical cord

            mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of

            rheumatoid arthritis

            Yanying Liu , Rong Mu , Shiyao Wang , Li Long , Xia Liu ,RuLi , Jian Sun , Jianping Guo , Xiaoping Zhang ,
            Jing Guo , Ping Yu , Chunlei Li , Xiangyuan Liu , Zhenyu Huang , Dapeng Wang ,HuLi , Zhifeng Gu , Bing Liu ,
            Zhanguo Li 1*
              Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a T-cell-mediated systemic autoimmune disease, characterized by
              synovium inflammation and articular destruction. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) could be effective
              in the treatment of several autoimmune diseases. However, there has been thus far no report on umbilical cord
              (UC)-MSCs in the treatment of RA. Here, potential immunosuppressive effects of human UC-MSCs in RA were
              Methods: The effects of UC-MSCs on the responses of fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLSs) and T cells in RA patients
              were explored. The possible molecular mechanism mediating this immunosuppressive effect of UC-MSCs was
              explored by addition of inhibitors to indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), Nitric oxide (NO), prostaglandin E2 (PGE2),
              transforming growth factor b1 (TGF-b1) and interleukin 10 (IL-10). The therapeutic effects of systemic infusion of
              human UC-MSCs on collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in a mouse model were explored.
              Results: In vitro, UC-MSCs were capable of inhibiting proliferation of FLSs from RA patients, via IL-10, IDO and TGF-
              b1. Furthermore, the invasive behavior and IL-6 secretion of FLSs were also significantly suppressed. On the other
              hand, UC-MSCs induced hyporesponsiveness of T cells mediated by PGE2, TGF-b1 and NO and UC-MSCs could
              promote the expansion of CD4 Foxp3 regulatory T cells from RA patients. More importantly, systemic infusion of
              human UC-MSCs reduced the severity of CIA in a mouse model. Consistently, there were reduced levels of
              proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines (TNF-a, IL-6 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1) and increased
              levels of the anti-inflammatory/regulatory cytokine (IL-10) in sera of UC-MSCs treated mice. Moreover, such
              treatment shifted Th1/Th2 type responses and induced Tregs in CIA.
              Conclusions: In conclusion, human UC-MSCs suppressed the various inflammatory effects of FLSs and T cells of RA
              in vitro, and attenuated the development of CIA in vivo, strongly suggesting that UC-MSCs might be a therapeutic
              strategy in RA. In addition, the immunosuppressive activitiy of UC-MSCs could be prolonged by the participation of
            Introduction                                      new target therapies have achieved considerable success.
            Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic and systemic disease  For instance, TNF-a inhibitors and B-cell-depleting thera-
            that primarily attacks synovial joints, leading to articular  pies have benefited many RA patients [1,2]. However, these
            destruction and functional disability. RA imparts a massive  approaches are expensive and none of the currently widely
            burden on health services worldwide. Efforts to discover  used biological agents reaches longterm drug-free remis-
                                                              sion [3,4]. Therefore, it is important to develop new and
            * Correspondence:                more effective therapy for RA.
            † Contributed equally
            1                                                   In RA, proinflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-a,IL-6,
             Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Peking University People’s
            Hospital, 11 Xizhimen South Street, Beijing, 100044, PR China  IL-1b and IL-17, play dominant pathological roles.
            Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
                                     © 2010 Liu et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
                                     Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
                                     any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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