Page 14 - Family Life Student Textbook
P. 14
If a husband is physically abusing his wife and will not stop, I would recommend a physical separation so that
the wife is not living in physical danger. We must take physical abuse seriously enough to put a stop to it.
We should not counsel a wife to remain in a dangerous situation. We need to do everything possible to help
this husband see that his attitude and violence against his wife is ungodly, is illegal, and will not be
tolerated. We need to ask God to convict him and bring him to repentance for his sin against his wife. Then
help him confess his sin, receive God’s forgiveness, and then to promise that he will never be abusive to his
wife again.
A pastor friend of mine has had to threaten several abusive husbands. He promised them that he would turn
them into the police if they were ever again abusive to their wives. I respect that. We need to help these
women and protect them. I personally do not ever recommend a divorce, but I try to encourage the couple
to work on their relationship to be all that God wants them to be.
God’s word is clear that marriage between a husband and wife is a covenant made to one another and to
God. God holds them responsible to keep that covenant until one of them physically dies. We need to bring
our view of the marriage covenant into line with God’s view. He created it. And he commanded us to obey
Grace and Forgiveness for the Divorced
We must communicate to people the Bible’s teaching against divorce. At the same time, we must learn to
minister to people who have experienced divorce. Divorce will happen because we live in a sinful, fallen
world. We must offer God’s forgiveness and redemption of their sinful actions regarding marriage and
divorce. God forgives every sin. Divorcees are not second-class Christians because they have experienced
divorce. We need to help them understand the seriousness of divorce, confess their sin before God, and be
assured of his forgiveness. We may also have to help them deal with the ongoing consequences of having
experienced divorce. And it is very important to help them learn from their mistakes in their past
relationships, so they do not repeat them in their future relationships.
We must preach, teach, and model God’s permanence of the marriage covenant according to his word,
while, at the same time, offering grace and forgiveness to those who have failed.
The Covenant of Marriage