Page 15 - Family Life Student Textbook
P. 15
2.4 Let’s Practice…
1. What is a covenant?
2. How do we know that marriage is a covenant?
3 Since marriage is a covenant, what does that say about the permanence of marriage?
4. Is there any allowance for divorce? When, if ever, can we suggest separation?
5 - 7. God’s prescription for marriage involves three actions. What are they?
8. What is the difference between a conditional and unconditional covenant? Explain which type is the
marriage covenant.
9. What are some negative effects of divorce on the children or the split couple?
10. When is it appropriate to recommend physical separation within a marriage relationship?
2.5 Let’s Personalize this lesson…
How can we communicate the permanence of the marriage covenant to people to whom
we are ministering? How can we teach that permanence and still offer God’s grace and
forgiveness to those who have experienced divorce? How should we deal with people who
insist on getting a divorce? How can we encourage and minster to people who seem to be in
an unhappy marriage without any hope of change? How can we help abused women?