Page 93 - Tomcats in Paradise
P. 93
Billy Bob Cat panicked. He screeched and cried, clawing uselessly
at the walls of his prison. The rest of the recent arrivals took up the
plaint, filling the room with a chorus of feline terror and frustration.
By the time they had calmed down, the men had turned off the lights
and departed.
The truth had also dawned on Levi Katz, incarcerated two cages
distant from Billy Bob.
“This is not at all what I expected!” wailed Levi. “I’ve hunted and
captured hundreds of small birds and rodents in my life. I didn’t kill
them right away: I played with them, watching their frightened faces
as they tried to escape my teeth and claws. Now it’s happening to me!
Oh, what awful karma!”