Page 226 - Reason To Sing by Kelita Haverland
P. 226

Reason To Sing

                             Chapter Thirty-Eight

                               No Big Deal

          I am feeling like a new race car driver, drunk on speed, danger
          and recklessness. Navigating between euphoria and paralyzing
          fear. I’m crazy in love with Gord and unbelievably relieved to
          finally be free of Hudson. But my rattled nerves are also real.
          Maybe it’s because Hudson has, for so long, played every single
          care-giving role in my life. And now I don’t have that security
          blanket. He was everything from lover to parent to friend to
          confidante to therapist to family to business partner. In the
          beginning I embraced them all. But time has passed, and I’ve
          grown up. I’m a hell of a lot stronger and I don’t want to be
          controlled anymore.
              So why do I feel all these mixed emotions?
              There is still business to attend to and today’s news adds
          further fuel to the flames. For weeks now I’ve been waiting to
          hear from Nashville about my deal with Capitol Records. Day
          after day and nothing. Until today.
              The phone rings and it is Hudson. My heart automatically
          relocates to my mouth, but I take a deep breath and wait. He
          gets right to the point. “I heard from Capitol Records today.”
              “And?” I am anxious to hear. My gut is churning.
              “Well, it’s not good news.”
              “What? What do you mean it’s not good news?” Now my
          gut has joined my heart. I feel ill.
              “Well, it’s just not. The president, Jim Fogelsong, was fired.”
              I lean against the wall to stop myself from crumbling to the
          floor. “Seriously? Who’s the new one coming in?”

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