Page 145 - Reclaim YOUR DIGITAL GOLD (without audio)
P. 145

Social PlatformS

            things. The story of the high school student who began
            receiving  online  coupons  from  the  retailer  Target  for
            baby products is likely familiar to at least some of this
            book’s readers. Before her father found out his daughter

            was expecting, he was enraged that Target had sent her
            coupons for baby products. However, he was unaware
            that she was pregnant at the time. Target discovered this
            information before  he  did  by analyzing  his  daughter’s
            search data and social media content.


            According to new research from ProPublica, Facebook
            “collected  more  than  52,000  unique  attributes
            that  Facebook has  used  to classify  users”  in  2016
            (ProPublica, 2016). That is a lot of information about a
            single  person.  Most  people  couldn’t  even  name  1,000
            different  characteristics  about  themselves,  let  alone
            52,000  distinct  characteristics.  When  marketers  are
            presented  with  52,000  distinct  characteristics about
            just  one  person, they are frequently  overwhelmed by
            the volume of data and are unsure what to make of it all
            (unless they are assisted by AI).
            First, we will look at the different types of social media
            data  points  that  are  collected.  Then  we will  consider
            how marketers  can use  this  information for  targeted
            communication  with users and to build stronger
            relationships with them.

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