Page 44 - Reclaim YOUR DIGITAL GOLD (without audio)
P. 44
gaps in people’s access to the Internet. Many people in
the rural areas of developed countries still do not have
access to the Internet, and many more of them lack the
skills necessary to make the most of the Internet they do
have. Age and country are not, in fact, the factors that
are the most reliable indicators of the digital divide. The
urban-rural split and the educational level are the two
factors that are. Recent studies have shown that people
who live in urban areas of the world have nearly twice the
amount of Internet connectivity in their homes compared
to those who live in rural areas of the world.
Some observers are concerned that rather than closing,
the digital divide is widening at an alarming rate. Even
among countries that are considered to be developed,
it appears that some unethical corporate practices are
expanding the gap: The current discussions around the
neutrality of the Internet and versioning can be interpreted
as issues of equitable access to the digital world.
1. Isolation combined with a lack of communication: The
COVID-19 outbreak has thrown into sharp light the sense
of isolation that can soon be experienced by people who
do not have access to the Internet or expertise in its
use. It is possible for this to have a number of negative
repercussions that occur simultaneously, including the
inability to schedule appointments for immunization
against the coronavirus, a reduction in individuals’
employment opportunities, and an impact on their
mental health.