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411                                                                                 Morgantown

               the                                                                        3Q July-August-September 2021


                       BREAKING NEWS                                      & Best Wishes
               This just in ...                                        to Francesca Bonaccorsi and her fiance,

                                                                          Dominic, on their Oct. 29 wedding!
                                  On the afternoon of Oct.
                               28, the Pittsburgh Business
                               Times announced:
                                  It is my pleasure to share
                               that HUB Internation-
                               al HDH is a winner of a
                               2021 Best Places to Work
                               Award! Your employees
                               have spoken, and after a                                   Just a sneak peek of Francesca’s
                               detailed survey and review              shower luncheon on Oct. 21, 2021, at Pizzaiola Prima in
                               process, your company is                Market Square, Pittsburgh. (More to see in 4Q newslet-
        officially being recognized as a 2021 Best Plac-               ter. ) And we’d LOVE to see some wedding day photos!!
        es to Work in Western PA. Stay tuned!
                                                                        DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME

                                                                                BEGINS NOV. 7

                                        Good thing HUB HDH follows       Remember to turn your clocks
                                        Phipps Conservatory on Ins-      back 1 hour at 2 a.m. Sunday,
                                        tagram or else we might have     Nov. 7. This is also a good time to
                                        missed Sir Mick Jagger’s visit to  change all the batteries in your
        the botanical gardens. The same can be said for following Scott Hondru   smoke and carbon monoxide
        who, along with wife Kathleen, posted this adorable photo at the Roll-
        ing Stones concert. More on the Hondru family can be found in    detectors.
        Good News on Page 17.
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