Page 10 - 9 Day Challenge E-Book
P. 10
First, it’s a success fee. There is nothing owed by you in a case of your home
not selling. Second, once you understand how commissions are split and
where a commission goes, you’ll better understand that 1%
= 33%! Most commissions are broken down in the following fashion or
approximately thereof… of 6%, half would go to the buyers brokerage to
be split with their agent. Of the 3% that is left, 1% goes to the listing
broker/owner for their overhead, staff, etc. The next 1% on average would
be going to the exposure of your property and the last 1% would go to the
agent that is representing your best interests directly and that’s before
their direct expenses in marketing, exposure, overhead and uncle Sam!
(Think of this… which percent do you think they’re cutting?) Their money,
the brokers money or the money typically used in the marketing, exposure
and servicing of your property? So if an agent is trying to get you to believe
that a 5% commission puts more in your pocket, RED Flags should go up like
crazy for you. Do not let the appearance of a 1% savings keep you from
Thousands more in your pocket! Studies show discounted marketing and
exposure puts less eye balls on your property, creatingless demand and
thereby bringing less in an offer. Make sense?