Sonoma County Gazette February 2020
P. 1

  Travel to Peru       Finance a Fixer-     Fluoride in our     Local Elections
      on a Plate of Ceviche ~ 12
Upper & Make your Home SAFE ~ 20
water - Lawsut UPDATE ~ 26
- Candidates & Ballot Measures
2020                   To Love
  A Decade
our Coast
 for Clarity
To love the coast, we had to save it.
What are you going to
do to make a difference
in this next decade?
By Richard Retecki and Carol Benfell It’s taken the efforts of hundreds of
By Craig Litwin
You don’t have to be a zillionaire
people, organizations and government agencies, working together for more than sixty years, to preserve our magnificent, dynamic, and unique Sonoma County coast.
and start a foundation or come up with some cool invention to be a star. You can make a difference by eliminating oppression and encouraging compassion in every moment.
Now the Sonoma County Local Coastal Plan, an integral part of that decades-long preservation effort, is being revisited by county officials, and changes will be made. It will be important to be watchful and mindful that we do not lose what so many have fought to save.
If the last decade has taught
us anything it is that the world
can change fast. Through global communications, we now know there are many individuals in every country working to make a better and more compassionate society. Better yet, we can organize with them to implement positive change.
Some of our coastal parks date back 90 years, to the very first days of the State Parks system-- the 19-mile-long Sonoma Coast State Beach, one of the most visited state parks in California; Fort Ross Historic State Park, Kruse Rhododendron Reserve and Salt Point State Park.
For those of us who have called for and predict the need for such changes
 CLARITY cont’d on page 8
COAST cont’d on page 10
Your Home Town: 28-42 Everything To Do CALENDAR: pgs 52 - 71

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