Page 35 - NYAA Annual Report 2020
P. 35


            The NYAA’s partnership at the international level remains strong. Many foreign governments and international
            agencies praised the NYAA Singapore for its leadership and contributions to its programmes and international
            organisations’ initiatives. Examples of programmes they were referring to pertain to the annual APEC Voices
            of the Future, the Y20 of the G20 conferences, the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNE), the United
            Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEM), the United
            Nations Environment South East Asian Youth Environment Network (UNE SEAYEN) and St. Gallen Symposium.
            Due to the COVID-19 pandemics, international agencies and organisations conducted the meetings and events
            virtually and online.

            Countries NYAA partnered with:
                 •   Australia                                      •   Philippines
                 •   Brunei Darussalam                              •   Peru
                 •   Canada                                         •   Papua New Guinea
                 •   Chile                                          •   Russia
                 •   People’s Republic of China                     •   Thailand
                 •   Hong Kong                                      •   United States of Ameria
                 •   Chinese Taipei                                 •   Vietnam
                 •   Indonesia                                      •   ASEAN
                 •  Japan                                           •   European Union
                 •   Korea                                          •   Switzerland
                 •   Malaysia
                 •   Mexico
                 •   New Zealand

                                       SAFEGUARDING OUR ENVIRONMENT

            Since its inception, environmental sustainability and nature conservation have been key features of the youth
            development work of the NYAA Council. Over the years, the NYAA Council, in partnership with government
            agencies, corporate organisations and educational institutions, has organised programmes to prepare young
            people to be advocates for sustainability and the environment.

            In 2020 despite the restrictions imposed to control the spread of Covid-19, the NYAA Council continued to
            prepare young people to be advocates for sustainability and the environment. The NYAA Council collaborated
            with the National Environment Agency (NEA), National Parks Board (NParks), and PUB, Singapore’s National
            Water Agency, to hold events such as youth conferences, seminars, clean and green campaigns and dialogue
            sessions.  The  objective  of  these  events  was  to  make  young  people  aware  of  environmental  issues.  By
            participating in these environmental programmes, they gained a deep sense of responsibility and became
            strong advocates for improving the environment in Singapore and beyond.

            Official Launch of the Singapore Food Story
            The Singapore Food Story was officially launched by
            Mr  Masagos  Zulkifli,  Minister  for  the  Environment
            and Water Resources, on 10 February 2020. The NYAA
            Executive  Director  and  Deputy  Executive  Director
            attended the launch on behalf of the NYAA Council.

            Award Committees
            The  NYAA’s  Executive  Director  continued  to  serve
            on the various Award Committees and panels of the
            Ministry of  the Environment and  Water Resources;
            The  President’s  Award  for  the  Environment  2020,
            the EcoFriend Award 2020, and the Clean and Green   Guest-of-Honour for the Official Launch of the Singapore Food
            Singapore Award 2020.                             Story,  Mr  Masago  Zulkifli,  Minister  for  the  Environment  and
                                                              Water Resources.

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